#define Win32_Winsock fails in 1.1.8

Paul Garceau pgarceau@qwest.net
Wed Mar 7 14:23:00 GMT 2001

Hi folks,

On 7 Mar 2001, at 8:44, the Illustrious Matt.Brozowski@tavve.com wrote:

> The reason I am attempting to use the WinSock API via Cygwin is that my
> application is integrating with a commercial application (HP OpenView)
> and the APIs on the windows version return WinSock sockets that I need
> to do a WinSock select on in order to tell when there is data to read. 
> This has not been a problem in the past because the #define
> Win32_Winsock enables this feature.  It just appears that in the latest
> version some header file changes has broken this feature.  I have
> currently worked around to problem by removing the #include
> <sys/reent.h> from string.h and tolerating the "struct _reent declared
> inside parameter list" warning that occurs.  I was hoping know from this
> list if anyone was aware of this problem to ensure it got fixed in a
> future release.

	You might want to verify that you are _not using_ 
	#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN.

	If you are (at least under Win32API), it automatically turns off the 
Win32 socket stuff, Winsock2 notwithstanding.


		Paul G.

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    Nothing unreal exists.

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