Bash/Emacs Problem

Sagar R. Shah
Mon Mar 12 05:21:00 GMT 2001

Hi Paul

I've been suffering from the same problem with make from (NT)emacs 20.7.1
during the last few months, i've been meaning to report it, but have never
got found the time.

just for everyone elses info here is an example of the error message at the
end of the make output:

Compilation exited abnormally with code 131072 at Mon Mar 12 11:52:40

If my memory serves me correctly this problem started not with the latest
version of make, but an earlier version before that. I'm not 100% sure
whether it was a change to make that caused the problem or a change to some
other part of cygwin. Of course it's also possible that it's an emacs
problem. I remember that i moved up from 20.3 to 20.7.1 around the same
time, but I'm fairly sure that the problem did start before I made the emacs

I've never had problems checking things out of cvs via emacs when using
vc-mode or pcl-cvs. I just tried doing a cvs checkout from a bash shell
buffer in emacs, that was fine too. So possibly this problem is unrelated.

I very much doubt that the make problem has anything to do with you changing
from Win 95 to Win ME. I'm on Win98 SE, and make did run fine via emacs
some months ago.

This doesn't seem to be a major problem, make still works fine via emacs, it
(or something) just generates that extra message....

it would be nice to get rid of that message if someone has any ideas of what
is causing it.


On Mon, 12 Mar 2001, Paul Kinnucan wrote:

> Hi
> I have been using cygwin bash for several years without any problems.
> However, lately (last few months), bash always ends with an error status
> 131072 when I run it as a subprocess of Emacs 20.7.1. I did a netinstall of
> the latest cygwin today and I still get this error even when the task being
> performed by bash appears to be successful. For example, when I use bash to
> launch make from Emacs, the make appears to be normal but I still get this
> error. Recently, I have tried checking files out of a repository using bash
> to launch cygwin cvs and the checkout fails with this error code. I am not
> sure when this started. I have upgraded Emacs and cygwin several times over
> the last few months and I recently changed from Windows 95 to Windows
> Millenium.
> Any idea what may be causing this problem?
> - Paul

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