extremely slow after upgrade

Churchill, Dan (MN65) churchill_dan@htc.honeywell.com
Tue Oct 9 13:28:00 GMT 2001

Actually, not so weird.  As has been pointed out in recent threads, the //c
notation is now looking for a networked computer named "c" and the delay you
were experiencing is the timeout period while your computer looked for that
other computer name on your network.  Any version of Windows would have done
this, if I'm not mistaken.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Court Demas [ mailto:courtdemas@yahoo.com ]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2001 2:51 PM
> To: cygwin@cygwin.com
> Subject: Re: extremely slow after upgrade
> I found the problem!
> I had a .bashrc with PATH statements that used the older 
> "//c/..." syntax.
>  I replaced them with "/cygdrive/c/..." and everything's back 
> to normal.
> It still seems weird that this would hang the system for so 
> long...  but I
> guess that's 98 for you.
> thanks,
> court

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