More problems with subprocesses in 1.3.3

Charles Wilson
Thu Oct 11 10:50:00 GMT 2001

Andy Piper wrote:

> At 01:07 AM 10/11/01 -0400, Charles Wilson wrote:

>> Andy - can you try a snapshot of the cygwin dll?  There have been a 
>> lot of changes in the process handling code between 1.3.3 and pre1.3.4.
> Sure, although I am a little wary. Since I started using 1.3.3 I have 
> also seen my entire machine lock-up (NT 4.0) a couple of times. 

Ugh.  That's not normal.  (Honest!  We wouldn't release a kernel with a 
bug like that if we knew about it -- and many many folks have been using 
1.3.3 on NT for months now without any reports like yours.)

Is there something unique about your machine, or your usage patterns? 
(e.g. do you do everything from an XEmacs subshell, thus exercising the 
fork/exec code more heavily than "normal", etc etc?)

> When 
> this happens my productivity goes through the floor 

Yeah, I imagine so.  :-(

> so I backed up to 
> 1.3.2 and haven't had any more lockups.

Well, I understand ylogic -- but this "fix" doesn't please me. :-) 
consider: "Xemacs-21.4.3 is completely broken on my machine, so I 
reverted to 21.1.13.  I'll try 21.4.x again in a few months -- hope you 
guys get the problem fixed...."  would not make you happy, would it?

Anyway, I hope we can get to the bottom of this problem...


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