1.3.3: Incorrect file size for 2GB+ long files

Emmanuel Blot emmanuel.blot@sun.com
Tue Oct 16 06:07:00 GMT 2001

System Windows 2000 SP2, NTFS/5

I have a big AVI (AVi/2: OpenDML) file of  2,380,634,412 byte long, on a NTFS/5 file (non
compressed, non encrypted)

 * Windows reports 2,380,634,412 bytes
 * Cygwin reports 18,446,744,071,795,218,732 bytes (!!)

Same issue through a FTP connection to the in.ftpd Cygwin server. File size is wrong:

  -rw-r--r--    1 eblot    None     18446744071795218732 Oct 15 22:41 newyork.avi
  ftp> get  newyork.avi
  local: newyork.avi remote: newyork.avi
  227 Entering Passive Mode (129,156,220,18,7,28)
  150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'newyork.avi' (-1914332884 bytes).

Plus, the transfert fails after (2*1024^3 - 1024) bytes have been retrieved from the Cygwin

newyork.avi: short write
421 Service not available, remote server has closed connection
2147482624 bytes received in 2.9e+02 seconds (7.2e+03 Kbytes/s)

(client: Linux 2.4 Mandrake 8.1)

cygcheck.out attached, but I'm not sure if the report has been fully completed:

$ cygcheck -s -v -r > /d/cygcheck.out
cygcheck: dump_sysinfo: GetVolumeInformation() failed: 87

NTFS/5 partition is a 35GB partition, located on a FireWire drive (IBM GXP 75GB)

Cygwin install is up-to-date (last update from a mirror: last week)


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