test failures building perl on cygwin - continued

Christopher Faylor cgf@redhat.com
Thu Oct 18 20:54:00 GMT 2001

On Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 05:00:21PM -0400, John Peacock wrote:
>No, but if I want to step through the code to see exactly where the
>malloc goes awry, I need gdb, don't I.

Early in this discussion, Egor Duda suggested that you take a look at
a document that he wrote called "how-to-debug-cygwin.txt".  This tells
you how to configure cygwin with malloc debugging.  This causes cygwin
to go through very extensive tests on each malloc/free and report on
block overruns or double frees with information about where the block
was first allocated.

This is what I mean by malloc debugging.


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