Recursive make core dump

Duszczak, Richard
Wed Oct 24 15:04:00 GMT 2001


I'm sorry I can't give any further detail at the moment, but reverting
from make-3.79.1-4 to make-3.79.1-3 clears up the problem.  With -4 it
was consistenly happening.

I can't give out our proprietary code/build system so hopefully diff'ing
the versions of make will help.

Oh, here are my computer stats:

Athlon 1.2 266FSB
Asus A7A266
Windows XP Professional Eval Build 2526
Intel Pro/10 PCI Ethernet

The problem occurred on cygwin-1.3.3, 1.3.2 and 1.1.8.  The make version
change worked on 1.3.3 and 1.1.8 (didn't try on 1.3.2).

Hope this helps,

Rich Duszczak

-------------- next part --------------
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=0040D5EF
eax=00000004 ebx=614E2F0C ecx=61098838 edx=0242ECC8 esi=FFFFFFFF edi=00000000
ebp=0242ED04 esp=0242ECD4 program=C:\cygwin\bin\make.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame     Function  Args
0242ED04  0040D5EF  (00000004, 0A029CA0, 000000C8, 00408BAE)
0242ED24  61082652  (00000004, 0A029CA0, 000000C8, 00408BDE)
0242EDA4  00408BFB  (0A02BB91, 0242EDEC, 00408D8E, 004045F2)
0242EDD4  00408F25  (0A02BB91, 00000001, 0242EDEC, 004260B4)
0242EE34  00409149  (0242EE9C, 0242EEA0, 00000001, 00403F3D)
0242EEB4  00403FFA  (00000000, 0A02BC78, FFFFFFFF, 0A029BB8)
0242EED4  004045AA  (0A02BC78, 0A029AEB, 00000014, 0A02D339)
0242EF04  00404636  (0A02BC78, 00000000, 0242EF34, 6102B7DD)
0242EF34  004048A2  (0A02BC78, 00000000, 00000001, 00408054)
0242EF94  00408113  (0A02BB90, 0242EFDC, 00408D57, 00000038)
0242EFC4  00408F25  (0A02BB90, 00000003, 0242EFDC, 00426114)
0242F034  00409149  (0242F09C, 0242F0A0, 00000000, 00403F3D)
0242F0B4  00403FFA  (00000000, 0A017130, FFFFFFFF, 6105844F)
0242F0D4  004045AA  (0A017130, 0A029333, 0242F104, 6102BB24)
0242F104  00404636  (0A017130, 00000000, 0242F164, 0A017110)
0242F134  004048A2  (0A017130, 00000000, 0A02A90E, 6102B7DD)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)

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