Who bug??

andrew kitchen andrew@transmission.to
Fri Oct 26 17:32:00 GMT 2001


I recently reinstalled & reconfigured sshd after managing to misconfigure it
beyond a point I felt like troubleshooting any longer...

After setting it up on a domain, I edited my /etc/passwd and /etc/group files
as suggested at http://tech.erdelynet.com/cygwin-sshd.asp , and after some
permissions twiddlings on the host keys and a reboot I was able to run the
daemon and log in.  phew.

I then instructed a co-worker who I wanted to grant access to log in
remotely.  He was able to do so, but the "who" command has some strange
output for both of us.  I don't mean to accuse sshd of causing this problem,
but it helped expose it.  ;-)

at my bash prompt before _and_ after he is logged in:

akitchen@KITCHEN ~
$ who
akitchen tty0     Oct 26 16:21
akitchen tty2     Oct 25 10:27

today is Oct 26, and the machine was just rebooted.

from his prompt:

$ who
akitchen tty0     Oct 26 16:21
akitchen tty2     Oct 25 10:27
$ whoami

after he logs out, from my prompt, the "who" output is the same.  If I close
and re-open the cygwin shell, same "who" output, even though ps-alW|grep bin
only shows one instance of bash.  "Who" seems to always output this for me,
regardless of whether or not the sshd service is running and the number of
shells invoked.

How can this tty2 from yesterday exist if I have rebooted 3 times today
(gotta love windows)?

After opening a new cmd shell with cygwin apps in the PATH (but w/o going
_thru_ cygwin bash at all) I type who and see the same thing.  After I opened
yet another bash shell (for a total of 3 shell windows, 2 bash and one cmd),
then exited from the newest two shells, the output of "who" in the original
bash shell was as expected; one entry for the original tty0.  Very odd, but
seems ok.

What happens when he logs in remotely while I am not logged in at all is also
strange.  Who returns nothing.  For instance:

olangan@BUDDHA ~
$ ssh OLangan@kitchen
OLangan@kitchen's password:
$ who
$ exit
Connection to kitchen closed.

olangan@BUDDHA ~

Searching the mailing list archives for "who" bugs is difficult since it is a
commonly occurring word; my apologies if this is a known issue.  

I am using an installation that is up-to-date as of yesterday.

Thanks for any insight, 


#  Andrew Kitchen
#  Quality Engineer
#  Jeeves Solutions
#  andrew@askjeeves.com
#  510.985.7545
#  < http://www.jeevessolutions.com >

(apparently I can't post from Microsoft Outlook, even though I am using text
only.  No skin off my back...)

andrew kitchen

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