[Urgent] Building relocatable DLLs

Robert Collins robert.collins@itdomain.com.au
Wed Oct 31 03:09:00 GMT 2001

On Sun, 2001-10-28 at 06:57, Stephano Mariani wrote:
> Firstly I would like to apologise in advance if this is not the right list
> and request that someone direct me to the correct list/page.

We've got the info here, but the question is really a combination
gcc/binutils question - they are the tools we use.
> I would like some detailed information on the correct procedure to build
> relocateable dlls using the cygwin tools.

gcc -o foo.dll a.c b.c c.c -l bar

is the canonical way. Run ld --help to get a list of parameters, which
are then passed through gcc via "-Wl,"


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