How I made My First Million

Michael Dawson
Wed Oct 31 05:37:00 GMT 2001

How I made My First Million.

One sunday morning I opened my Outlook Mail-box and read a letter from my good friend. I live in a small town and I really like the way things go. Never aimed for anything that big. I would rather prefer a simple life. But there was something in this letter that subconsciously attracted me. At that time I knew not what it was. It was just a very simple line saying "come and see everything for yourself". There was somethign about this new Internet project called BeginGame and about making lots of money in no time. I didn't believe a single word there, but decided to take a chance and look at it. I went into the project's head site over at and read some of the texts there. As I was reading it, I thought to myself, "Maybe I could be rich too... why not take a chance...". I went in and got registered. After that everything went on really fast and before I knew it, I already had some pretty good money on my account. I am not a programmer, I am strictly a user, but I am amazed how easily I was able to make my own begingame web-site (see it over at There are lots of different features there: some pretty cool games, free E-Mail account, your own WebSite, etc. but the most interesting is the money earning system. Its done in such a way that one person can easily make large sum of money just giving two-three hours a day to it.

And now, as my bank account gets filled up with money, I can just relax myself and enjoy my peaceful life, spending most of the time communicating with my many new friends. The thing is that I am the kind of person who likes sharing his happiness with others. So, take your chance too, come and try it, there is no way to loose here, you can only gain, but this might just solve all of your problems.

Thank you for reading this letter.
Sincerely yours,

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