
Mark Himsley mark@mdsh.com
Wed Sep 5 09:58:00 GMT 2001


I hope that this isn't a daft question, or something that I have forgotten
to do...

I hate cmd.exe and its environment with a passion. I hadn't been using
Cygwin much because it still lived within the cmd.exe terminal emulator.

Someone on another email list suggested that I should use rxvt which comes
with Cygwin, so I created a shortcut with the 'Target' of (obviously all
on one line):

C:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -bg Black -fg White -si -sr -sl 5000 -tn ansi
-title "Cygwin Bash" -e C:/cygwin/bin/bash.exe --login -i

This starts a very nice rxvt terminal emulator and I am very happy, but if
I close all of the rxvt's I've had open in a day and log out of Win2K I am
asked to kill one program with the name like "rxvt000003fc" for every rxvt
I have started in that way.

Is there a way I can get around this, without having to have any cmd.exe's
ever appearing on my desktop?

Thanks in advance.

Mark Himsley
In Acton

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