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Re: Lousy setup program defeats users with disabilites. (FAQ alert)

On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 07:24:53AM +1000, Robert Collins wrote:
>>For instance, clicking on the "All" category will provide you with the
>>opportunity to install every Cygwin package.
>So the FAQ is out of date with the homepage.  This suggests that the
>FAQ maintainer needs help.

Ditto, the web page.  I just added additional install information to the
main web page page in an attempt to cut down on the "How do I install
everything?" questions.  I didn't expect that many would actually read
this but certainly didn't expect to be slammed for it, either.  I'm
still naive sometimes, I guess.

FWIW, I changed the words today so that it is clear that you have to
click on the "Default" next to the "All".  I'd hate for someone else
to have to spend hours trying to figure this out without this vital

David, maybe you want to steal those words for the FAQ.  Or, if you have
better words, I'll add them to the main page.


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