Looking for named pipe solution in cygwin

Max Bowsher maxb@ukf.net
Wed Dec 11 11:13:00 GMT 2002

Cary Lewis <clewis@mobilecom.com> wrote:

> I have an existing unix application that makes extensive use of named
> pipes:
> mknod pipe p
> and shell scripts and 'C' programs that read and write pipes.
> Messages must be read in order that they were written to pipe. As
> well many processes must be able to write to a pipe and not have
> their messages intermingled.
> Does anyone have a solution for this for cygwin?

Unix named pipes / FIFOs haven't been implemented for Cygwin. No one has got
around to it.

> Any help would be appreciated.
> NOTE: The pipes don't have to be named (I can handle that separately).

I don't believe there is any way to have multiple processes write to an
anonymous pipe.

> BTW the other posix emulators like Interix now SFU and MKS support
> these kinds of pipes, so it should be easy right?

As I said above, no one has gotten round to it.

> How does the /dev/ttyX file work.

Cygwin notices access to certain 'files' and does clever things with them.
For more detail: "Use the source, Luke!".

> In a bash window I can echo hello
>> /dev/tty or /dev/ttyM, where M is my tty, and I get hello on my
>> screen, but
> I can't echo hello >/dev/ttyN where N is another terminal, I get
> /dev/ttyN invalid argument.

Strange - works for me.


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