Updated Java-JNI/Cygwin resources available

David P. Caldwell inonit@inonit.com
Thu Dec 26 20:12:00 GMT 2002

Hello, everyone.

I wanted to let you all know that I've updated our Java/Cygwin page.

I've incorporated some changes over the last year:

*  Feedback from readers and addition of a FAQ,
*  Changes to Cygwin installation (notably defaulting to a smaller base
*  Release of JDK 1.4, JNI 1.4, and JSR-121 moving to public review
*  Move to gcc 3.x

So now we have:

*  A FAQ,
*  An article on calling into C from Java,
*  An article on calling into Java from C (by creating a JVM and then
calling into it).

I hope people find them useful.  Feedback is appreciated, particularly if
I've made any mistakes, or if I've explained something poorly (there are
lots of people reading this list who know more about the topics covered than
I do).

The page is:


-- David.

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