cygwin1.dll [1.3.11(CVS)]: Interesting bug involving pwd and a non-exisitant directory

Christopher Faylor
Thu Jun 13 03:50:00 GMT 2002

On Wed, Jun 12, 2002 at 06:14:33AM -0700, Nicholas Wourms wrote:
>My Version:
>CYGWIN_ME-4.90 DRAGON 1.3.11(0.53/3/2) 2002-06-12 07:54 i686 unknown
>*NOTE*: This was built from yesterday's sources prior to CGF's checkin of
>the patches which broke the current cvs tree.
>This is an easy bug to produce on WindowsME with Fat32:
>1)Open an rxvt session (A)
>2)Make a directory /usr/local/foo
>3)type "cd /usr/local/foo"
>4)Open another rxvt session (B)
>5)In session B, type "rm -fR /usr/local/foo"
>6)Close session B
>7)In session A, type "cd .." and note the path presented by bash.
>8)Typing "pwd" should reflect this as well.
>Here is what I get:
>root@dragon /usr/local/foo/..
>$ pwd        

This isn't a regression in current CVS.  It was like this in 1.3.10, too.

I assume you're using Window 98 or ME.  Those were the only systems I could
duplicate this on.

/bin/pwd seems to work just fine.  It seems like bash is getting confused
when the directory disappears out from under it.  I am actually surprised
that Windows 98 allows you to do something like that.


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