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Re: (Aucun objet)


Even though you're using CYGWIN, which provides a very Unix-like environment and inside of which the PATH has a Unix-like syntax, the Sun Java compiler is a Windows application and it expects CLASSPATH to be formatted according to the Windows convention. The path components are separated with a semicolon. The path elements themselves, if they're absolute paths, must begin with a driver letter, followed by a colon, followed by an absolute path name. If you construct your CLASSPATH this way, things should work.

Randall Schulz

At 22:53 2003-03-31, you wrote:

  I installed java (j2sdk1.4.0) in Windows.
  In general I work in LInux and I developped an application in JAVA and

  I installed CYGWIN and I want to complie my JAVA application in
WINDOWS, i uses make for manage compilation.

I set my PATH variable for JAVA access and this work fine.

But when I want set my CLASSPATH variable, I am in trouble.

  The setting in CYGWIN environnement don't work, JAVA in out CYGWIN.
  The setting in CYGWIN script (set CLASSPATH="one dir") work but I want
manage many dirs :
    A. If I set many dir in CYGWIN script this don't work
    B. If I set many dir in CYGWIN envi this don' work

Some people have a the same pb ?
Can you help me ?

Boulanger JL

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