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Re: Using authentication under Apache for Cygwin

Stipe Tolj wrote:

Now that Apache for Cygwin seems to work more reliably I have started using it as my web server. However authentication (that was working with Apache for Windows) broke. I'm wondering if this is an Apache for Cygwin specific problem.

I used to have this implemented at the server level in the httpd.conf file like so:

# Secure addbug form
<Directory "//sonscentral/users/adefaria/www/Internal/Release/addbug/">
AuthName "permission to add a bug"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/apache/addbug_users
Require valid-user

However that fails to work. The user is let in without being prompted for a username/password. I've also tried using a .htaccess file:

AuthType Basic
AuthName "permission to add a bug"
AuthUserFile /etc/apache/addbug_users

Require valid-user

With the same non-success. I had cranked up the loglevel in the hopes that something about the failure would be written to the logs but nothing is. How can I debug/fix this? Does Apache for Cygwin do any authentication at all?

Apache 1.3.24; Cygwin 1.5.4

did you used "AuthGroupFile /dev/null" in this scope too?

Just did (in the .htaccess file). Didn't change anything.

I have no clue for this, because Authentication using the standard mod_auth was working very reliably since decades for me.

BTW, why is the <Director> path starting with *two* slashes? Maybe we got the raeson for this behaviour at this point.

The two slashes indicate a UNC name. In most aspects of Cygwin/Windows slashes can stand in for backslashes and are particularly useful. Otherwise one needs to have \\\\sonscentral\\users\\adefaria\\www\\Internal\\Release\\addbug\\!

As I said, this configuration was working in Apache for Windows (where I was using the <Directory> directive and a path like \\sonscentral\users\adefaria\www\Internal\Release\addbug\ - no need to double the backslashes for just Windows).
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