NTFS permission problem

Cyber.Zombie Cyber.Zombie@attbi.com
Thu May 1 13:30:00 GMT 2003

I  have a problematic set of ACLs that is causing Cygwin to not behave 
(and it's not Cygwin's fault).  I recently had to do a format/reinstall 
of XP (yes, even with XP it's sometimes easier to just pull the 
trigger).  In my setup, I only put the OS (and such Microsoft programs 
that don't ask) on the C partition.  I put programs, data, etc. on D 
through G.  What I didn't realize was that all user/group SIDs have 
embedded in them the machine SID.  And that SID changed when I 
reinstalled.  I discovered the hard way what happens when you don't save 
that little bit of info.  I finally figured out a way to force the 
change and/or removal of all ACLs that have invalid SIDs (through the 
W2K resource utility SUBINACL).  So everything was now pointing to valid 
SIDs.  But I didn't stop there.  I figured that it'd be easier in the 
future if all files inherited their attributes from the root ACLs

Apparantly, Cygwin does not like this.  I did the standard Setup.exe 
install.  Then brought up bash.  No /etc/passwd,group files.  No rights 
to anything.  The following directory listing fragments were found:

bash-2.05b$ ./ls -aln /cygdrive/d/cygwin
total 2
d---------    8 400      401             0 Apr 29 23:26 .
d---------   26 544      544             0 Apr 29 23:13 ..
d---------    2 400      545             0 Apr 29 23:21 bin
----------    1 400      545            57 Apr 29 23:26 cygwin.bat
----------    1 400      545           766 Apr 29 23:26 cygwin.ico
d---------    8 400      401             0 May  1 08:06 etc
d---------   10 400      545             0 Apr 29 23:21 lib
d---------    2 400      545             0 Apr 29 23:19 tmp
d---------   17 400      545             0 Apr 29 23:20 usr
d---------    6 400      401             0 Apr 29 23:19 var
bash-2.05b$ ./ls -aln /cygdrive/d
total 5414
d---------    2 400      65535           0 Feb 22 10:22 Media
d---------    2 400      65535           0 Jun 20  2002 My Music
d---------   35 400      65535           0 Apr 25 02:49 Program Files

Questions:  Why is everything coming up with no rights?  And I assume 
the 65535 group entries indicate that I must've missed a couple of 
SIDs.  But there's nothing in the Windows file/folder security tab 
(including advanced) that mentions the ownership group -- just the user?

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