cygpath hangings: A fix - bash patch enclosed -- bash maintai ner please note!

Geoffrey Ruscoe
Mon Nov 10 19:05:00 GMT 2003

I'm not sure if this is the same problem, but after searching and searching
this was the closest problem I've found (also other references to the setup
post-install scripts problem).

I am using the latest version of Cygwin (1.5.5-1) on a Windows XP box on a
domain (tried several fixes pertaining to changing the rights of the cygwin
dir and whole c drive - Everybody full control).

The problem is no command substitution works (using `'s or $()'s).

After a fresh reboot (and the new version of the bash listed below), I can
successfully run the (from below) or a different command
substitution - but only a couple of times, and then they quits responding.
Once one command shell quits responding no more command substitutions will
work from any window.

Even the simplest commands never return:
echo `date`
echo $(date)

I made sure USER and HOME were set correctly (no spaces, etc)

I also noted several references to this same problem (I think) from the
Cygwin setup halting at 99% with the execution of the post-install scripts.
In this case I can see that there will be several sh.exe that have hung (as
I understand it the sh has called the bash which is really the process that
hangs).  I have done fresh installs several times (trying the from a command
line, from bash, from the explorer, etc.)

I apologize if I have missed something simple, but after all the reading
I've done I still cannot find the key.

I had seen so many references to different information that was provided in
trying to track down this problem I didn't want to throw it all in at once,
but if I can provide any information to help track this down I'd like to


> I've put a patched version of bash up at:
> if anyone wants to try this.  It would be good to confirm or deny
> that this fixes the problem for everyone.
> Btw, maybe this has already been mentioned, but here is a simple
> test script that demonstrates the problem when run from the console:
> #!/bin/bash
> exec 0<&-
> A=$(cygpath -A -P)
> echo $A
> Save it as "hang" and run it as "bash hang" and it should hang nicely
> with an unpatched bash.

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