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Re: problem? with strace: what type of path is expected for --output=<file>

On Sat, Feb 21, 2004 at 04:24:19PM -0500, David A. Cobb wrote:
>Perhaps the problem is whether strace likes cygwin paths, or wants 
>Windoze paths:

Nope.  The problem is a cockpit error.

>506 $ touch ~/.xemacs/strace.out
>507 $ strace --output=~/.xemacs/strace.out "xemacs -debug-init 
>-debug-paths 2>~/.xemacs/startup.log"
>strace.exe: can't open ~/.xemacs/strace.out: No such file or directory

As on UNIX, "~" is expanded by the shell but only when it begins a word.
Shells don't expand things that are preceded by an '='.

>508 $ strace "xemacs -debug-init -debug-paths 2>~/.xemacs/startup.log"
>strace.exe: error creating process xemacs -debug-init -debug-paths 
>2>~/.xemacs/startup.log, (error 2)

You are telling strace to run a program called:

"xemacs -debug-init -debug-paths 2>~/.xemacs/startup.log"

Don't quote the arguments to strace.  strace doesn't start a shell
to interpret things like 2> or "~".

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