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Re: applying command shell properties to cygwin.bat

* james pentland (2004-04-13 18:04 +0100)
> when i run the cygwin bash shell on system startup
> from the startup entry in the registry the
> foreground/background color and other properties are
> not applied to the command shell in which bash runs.
> in the properties dialogue for the cygwin shell
> shortcut, one can adjust the foreground/background
> color, font characteristics, layout and icon of the
> command shell window in which bash runs.
> the properties dialogue can be entered from the
> command shell window or by right clicking on the
> shortcut.
> however, these properties are associated with the
> shortcut, not with the batch file which runs bash.
> as a consequence, when invoking bash by running the
> batch file, which is named cygwin.bat and is in a path
> something like n:\cygwin\cygwin.bat, the properties
> are not applied and one ends up with a generic command
> shell window - white text on black background, default
> layout, no icon.
> how can one associate the properties with the batch
> file cygwin.bat such that they stay with the command
> shell?

This is not Cygwin related but anyway: Why don't you then edit the
properties of the batch file? Or put a "color" ("color 07" for
instance) statement in the batch file?

If you want to change it for all windows then export your settings and
apply them manually for [HKCU\Console\%%SystemRoot%%_System32_cmd.exe]
or even [HKCU\Console].

I do that with for instance:
"reg add HKCU\Console /v WindowSize /t REG_DWORD /d 5177431 /f"

A better aproach is not to set to use the Windows Console but rxvt. Or
even better in the Unix environment you use (using the colour escape
sequences or your shell or some of terminal manipulation programs
tput, tset or whatever)


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