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RE: CRON problems

> Hmm, seems to me like checking ownership and permissions of
> would be something the should do.  What happened was
> that you ran it initially as your normal user account, and 
> the pid file
> was created.  Then when you tried to start it as a service, it was
> running as the SYSTEM account which didn't have permissions 
> to overwrite
> the file.  The solution would be to either just remove it and let cron
> recreate it, or "chown SYSTEM:SYSTEM /var/run/".  
> Then you could
> give it more restrictive permissions than 777, perhaps 640 or 600.

At present, the diagnostic script only checks for the existence of
/var/run/ and, if found, suggests that the user delete it
before reinstalling/restarting the cron service.

I agree that the script should check for SYSTEM.SYSTEM ownership
and 640 permissions, but I have not been able to find any
documentation specifying this.  Can anyone please point me to
some that specifies what the ownership and permissions of
should be?  Of course, if users simply do what
suggests today, that should resolve this particular problem (i.e.,
not being able to write to the file).


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