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Re: wish84 incredibly slow

On Sun, 13 Jun 2004, fergus wrote:

> >> [unknown ...
> Sorry to provide an afterthought, but this might be helpful I hope:
> Summarising, as looking through any of the logfiles sorted or otherwise is a
> bit of a bind, I think the explanation of the sloth must lie somewhere in
> the output of
> 	strace /bin/wish84 | grep unknown

This just refers to an unnamed thread, probably spawned via non-Cygwin

> (a) This output always contains a reference to _cygtls

All threads get a Cygwin thread local storage structure at the base of
their stack.

> (b) Occasonally, on the very slow Toshiba at least,  the output is null
> (nothing "unknown") corresponding to the cases when wish84 is not so slow to
> produce the display panel.

I don't know why an unamed thread would only occasionally be spawned, nor
why it would be particularly slow.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
the best safety device in any aircraft is a well-trained pilot...

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