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Re: Which Linux after CyGwin?

(Take this to cygwin-talk please.)

"DePriest, Jason R." wrote:

> If you do use
> Debian, please don't use the 'stable' release.  It is very ancient (but
> stable!).  Use the 'testing' release.  For the most part, you won't have
> any problems and if you do have a problem, expect it to be fixed
> quickly.

That's a very slippery slope and disagrees sharply from the official
Debian line.  You are strongly urged to NOT use "testing" in a
production environment.  Why?  Because criticial security bug fixes are
only guaranteed for "stable".  They occur for testing and unstable of
course, but at a relaxed pace.  I think that you do a disservice by
automatically stating that one should ignore "stable".  At the very
least point them to <> so that they can
decide for themselves.

It is entirely possible to run the stable branch without ancient
versions of everything: <>


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