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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: docbook-xml42-4.2-3

Patrick Eisenacher wrote:

Since I expected problems with my /etc/xml/catalog file, I kept an eye on it. And indeed it got corrupted by the update. Here is what happened:

- all group definitions were lost
- all identation was lost

If I run the command from the postinstallscript of

$ cygcheck -c docbook-xml42
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
docbook-xml42        4.2-2          OK

with libxml2:
$ cygcheck -c libxml2
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
libxml2              2.6.13-1       OK

It works ok:

I just checked my libxml2 installation and I found that I have already
2.6.15 installed. So at least I now that it works with 2.6.15 and I hope
it will work with .16 too, I'll probably never again build any .13
version, I'm sorry for the inconvenience.  Since in the meantime also
2.6.16 is out I will build this now and update libxml2 ASAP.

Thanks for your report.


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