[cygwin tips&tricks] Shortcut to vim in "Send to" folder

Andrew DeFaria Andrew@DeFaria.com
Tue Jul 20 22:24:00 GMT 2004

Tomasz Rojek wrote:

> Hi all,
> I would like to share with this tip with any cygwin newbie (all the 
> cygwin developers know it for sure :) I use a few text editors in my 
> daily work, today I finally ;) came to idea to have a shortcut 
> pointing to vim in my "Send to" right click submenu. I use this 
> command in a shortcut to run vim in rxvt window:
> C:\FOLDER\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -display :0 -T vim -vb -sr -sl 10000 -bg
> black -cr white -fg LightSteelBlue1 -j -fn
> "-b&h-lucidatypewriter-medium-r-normal-sans-0-0-14-14-m-0-iso8859-2" -e
> /usr/bin/vim
> Sending a file to vim works fine, drag&dropping any file on above 
> shortcut opens the file in vim too.

Well personally I just use XEmacs instead of vim!

But really I never really understood why people *want* to have to 
continually have to list and enumerate all of those settings to programs 
like rxvt such as "-display :0 -T vim -vb -sr -sl..." instead of just 
listing such resources in your ~/.Xdefaults file and giving is some sort 
of class name. That way you don't have to respecify all those options 
all the time and when you get tired of that "color scheme" and/or font 
settings you need only change your ~/.Xdefaults and wham all your old 
shortcuts work, instead of having to run around changing a bunch of 
shortcuts and their options...
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