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Re: [? Found problem of floppy drive acces]

On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 11:45:19AM -0700, Tom Hall wrote:
>Since this problem appears to be the result of a bug in Windows, and I
>don't use my floppy too much, I've come up with a Windows-level hack
>that makes the problem more tolerable for me on Windows 98 until the
>proper Cygwin solution is found.  This "works" for both find and df.
>Add this line somewhere above where bash is called in CYGWIN.BAT :
>   subst a: c:
>When I really want to use the floppy:
>   subst a: /d
>   [use the floppy]
>   subst a: c:
>This assumes that c:\windows\command is in my path.

Of course, the other option is just to update your findutils...


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