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Re: ctime: creation or change time? & "cannot set time" error

On Fri, Mar 04, 2005 at 08:16:55AM +0100, Jacek Piskozub wrote:
>>>The problem described in the following post to this mailing list 
>>>earlier today sounds like it is caused by Cygwin's new treatment 
>>>of ctime:
>>Since the CVS in question is a cygwin version, if this really is a
>>problem with ctime then it seems rather strange that cygwin's attempts
>>to behave more like POSIX would break a utility which relies on that
>>very behavior.
>>In any event, this isn't the postulated problem with a native windows
>Well, whatever it is, this "non problem" of yours makes it impossible to 
>build Mozilla with win32.
>At least on FAT32 which I use. I mention as everyone is talking only 
>about NTFS.

Hello?  I didn't say it was a non-problem.  I wanted to find out
specifically what kind of problems we were talking about.  Supposedly,
the change will break all sorts of windows apps.

So far the answer is "it breaks cvs" (a non-native-windows app), "makes
it impossible to build Mozilla with win32...on FAT32" (a bug report
which contains no details), and "it breaks my custom application which
actually uses the windows version of ctime".  So, we're 1 for 3.

Basically, people are seeing a behavior that they don't like and just
assuming that the reason for the behavior has something to do with that
"ctime" thing they've heard so much about.  It is possible, of course,
that the ctime changes caused some other behavior as a side-effect but
blaming the change for every file related problem in 1.5.13 isn't going
to be very productive.


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