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Re: missing files in /usr/include/sys

Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 02:40:34PM -0700, rwj wrote:
> >i think I've found part of my Serial and Modem device problem.... 
> apparently i
> >am missing the following .h files in my /usr/include/sys directory.
> >
> >termiox.h
> >ttycom.h
> >modem.h


> You're apparently porting your code from some other UNIX system which
> had these files.  Thery don't seem to be on linux and I am pretty sure
> that they are not standard.  You're going to have to figure out what is
> in these files and see if it is offered by some other file in
> /usr/include/...
> Porting between different versions of UNIX is not always an easy task,
> especially when you're trying to manipulate devices.  This is not likely
> to be a problem that other people here can help you with.  You really
> have to understand what's going on yourself if you want to do this
> port.

okay, thank you for the reply.  I shall try and sort this out on my own then.  

For the record, the code that wants these header files is the Perl module
"Device::SerialPort" as found on the CPAN mirrors.

maybe i should hassle the module developer as to why he didn't verify his build
on CYGWIN ... or perhaps i'm just expecting too much  :/


Robert "I didn't sign up for this" Johnson

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