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Re: Solution, possible FAQ entry: make problem: execvp: /bin/sh: Illegal Argument

On Sat, May 07, 2005 at 05:11:39PM -0700, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
>On 5/6/05, J?rgen Havsberg Seland wrote:
>> This problem is (often) due to the command-line being to long for the
>> windows execution model. To circumvent this, mount the path of the
>> executable using the -X switch. For instance, use
>I don't mind adding an FAQ, it looks like it's been asked few times. Any
>problem with replacing this ancient entry about MAKE_MODE (which is
>covered in the User's Guide)?

Fine with me.

>> OBTW: Is there an official or semi-official cygwin Wiki where one may
>> post these things?
>Not that I know of. There used to be an unofficial one on someone's student
>webspace but it's dead. See this thread for good reasons there's not one on
>Google's pretty good at picking up terms straight from the mailing list.

Maybe a FAQ entry is called for:

Q:  Why isn't there a wiki?  W1k1s R kuwl!

Both cgf and corinna(?) dislike wikis and neither wants to have YA place
to monitor.


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