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Re: May g++ output windows-style paths instead of cygwin-style one?

Angel Tsankov wrote:

> Is there any way I can force the cygwin build of g++ to output folders
> using windows style (e.g. c:\folder\file) instead of cygwin style
> (/cygdrive/c/folder/file) when writing dependency files (-MM option)?

No, there's no way to do that.  You could probably come up with a perl
command that would filter the files through cygpath to convert the
paths, though.

> I have this problem, 'cause I use a windows build of make 3.81beta3
> and it does not recognize cygwin style paths.
> The latest cygwin build of make is 3.80, which has some bugs, and I
> cannot use it.

I think it would be more productive for you to get Cygwin make working
than to try to jerry-rig a windows make into a posix environment.  If
you are running into a specific bug in the current packaged version that
is fixed upstream, then you should document it here and the Cygwin
package maintainer might release an updated package.


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