localtime_r segfaults, localtime doesn't... same values passed to each function...

Brian Bisaillon brian_bisaillon@rogers.com
Sun Jul 10 21:06:00 GMT 2005

This works...
struct tm *sci_localtime (time_t timep) {
    struct tm *result;
    if ((result = localtime(&timep)) == NULL) {
    int errsv = errno;
        fprintf (stderr, "\nError Code %i: %s at line
%i of %s function in %s \
            \n", strerror (errsv), 2,
"sci_localtime_r", "sci_time.c");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    } else {
        return (result);
This doesn't...
struct tm *sci_localtime_r (time_t timep) {
    struct tm *result;
    if ((localtime_r(&timep, result)) == NULL) {
    int errsv = errno;
        fprintf (stderr, "\nError Code %i: %s at line
%i of %s function in %s \
            \n", strerror (errsv), 2,
"sci_localtime_r", "sci_time.c");
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
    } else {
        return (result);
Keep in mind, I have a wrapper for time() and
asctime_r() and they work just fine. The segfault is
being caused by localtime_r(). I mean I changed it to
localtime() and everything worked. When I change it
back to localtime_r() it doesn't. Anyone ever
encounter this bug? Anyway, I plan to update my Cygwin
DLL to see if it fixes the problem.

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