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Re: permissions and ACLs

Ken Senior schrieb:
Btw, to further help diagnose, I notice the "read-only" box is shaded and checked for the C:\cygwin directory. I have repeatedly (as administrator on the machine) tried to uncheck this box. The dialog at first appears to let me uncheck it, but when I go back into the dialog, the "read-only" box is still checked, and shaded. Some other sentient entity is stubbornly controlling permissions on this directory. You would think administrator on the machine can do what he wants, but alas no! -K

That doesn't mean the has to be readonly. The readonly box in explorer isn't a reliable way to determine the settings on file/directory. Having some inherited rights seems to trigger that display. Ask the programmers of explorer about that. To view the permissions on a file/directory use cmd.exe with attrib and cacls.

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