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Re: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: cygwin-1.5.19-1

> * Corinna Vinschen <pbevaan-pltjva@pltjva.pbz> [2006-01-18 19:10:27 +0100]:
> On Jan 18 12:27, Sam Steingold wrote:
>> > * Christopher Faylor <pts-ab-crefbany-ercyl-cyrnfr@pltjva.pbz> [2006-01-16 22:36:19 -0500]:
>> >
>> > corinna: Emulate linux version of realpath
>> now when I have a file "foo.exe",
>> realpath("foo") returns "foo" instead of "foo.exe"
>> also:
>> $ ls -l /proc/self/exe
>> 0 lrwxrwxrwx 1 sds mkgroup-l-d 0 Jan 18  2006 /proc/self/exe -> /usr/bin/ls*
>> instead of ls.exe, so /proc/self/exe cannot be open() for input.
>> so, now I must add the "exe" suffix myself?!
> Funny that you mention it.  The realpath change to "emulate linux"
> has nothing to do with what you're talking about.  The "emulate linux"
> change is something about how to behave if the second argument is a
> NULL pointer.  Linux returns a malloced buffer in this case, which
> Cygwin didn't so far.
> Now, talking about the .exe suffix... the realpath change is this:
>   Before: realpath("foo", ...) = NULL (ENOENT)
>   After:  realpath("foo", ...) = "foo".
> So, instead of returning ENOENT it returns a path that the file exists
> which is equivalent to how stat behaves, which it wasn't before.

I see, thanks.

> As for removing the .exe from /proc/$PID/exe(name), AFAICS this hasn't
> changed since at least 2004-01-01, which was the date when I gave up
> looking for a change in the code.

maybe this is an old bug, I just noticed it again.

> So, well, I don't see why you "now" would have to change something
> exactly in relation to this.

here is a simple test case:

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
  char executable[MAXPATHLEN];
  if (open(executable,O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,0644) < 0) return 1;
  else return 0;

it worked (returned 0) before and it works on Linux.
it does not work now.


Sam Steingold ( running w2k
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