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<kein Betreff>

I'm currently developing a c++ plugin for a windows simulator environment, which accepts plugins in form 
of a dll. For doing so my dll needs to include a library of this simulator program which is only supported
in ".a" format. I solved this problem by cross compiling the dll from cygwin for the windows platform.

But now there is another problem. My .dll-project needs to use external libraries which are only supported
in windows .lib format. So theres the issue that my VC Express compiler can not use the .a library and the
cross compiler can not handle the .lib. I already read that even if both, the .a and .lib, are static libraries 
there are incompatibilities because of the used compiler. 

I would prefer to disclaim the bypass of using cygwin and a cross compiler at all. So is there any way of
converting the .a library in a native windows .lib?
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