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Re: igncr vs text mode mounts, performance vs compatibility

One additional thing I'd like to say, if people are considering
possibly making a decision based off the line ending of the first line
of the file: it's worth bearing in mind that it's quite possible for a
file to end up with mixed line endings. Most editors are at least
smart enough to convert the whole file to their preffered format, but
not all, and there's always the possibility of nastiness like:
C:\TEMP> echo "extra line" >> file_with_unix_line_endings

It's yet another special case to think of:
"Why my scrpt not wrok?"
"Because it is on a binary mount && you didn't set igncr && you have
CRLF line endings on some lines && the first line doesn't have a CRLF"

It'll be one of those things that works 99% of the time for 99% of
people, and by the time it bites someone they'll have forgotton all
about this issue and will be very confused.

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