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Re: Windows NTFS UCS2 characters

John Love-Jensen wrote:

> I can always fallback to use scripts for CMD.EXE to manipulate these files;
> but I'd rather be able to do it in my Bash shell scripts.
> Please don't suggest Interix, SFU or MKS alternatives.  Those are fine
> products, I'm sure, but I'm not interested.

I'm afraid you're probably just out of luck.  If I understand the
problem Cygwin currently does not use wide characters internally for
filenames/pathnames, nor does it support any locale other than "C"/posix
(the latter due to newlib limitations.)  So you're limited to ANSI
filenames in the current codepage, I think.

There is a site out there that maintains a UTF-8 modified Cygwin, and
these changes have been submitted for inclusion, but the wrapper method
used did not meet technical muster and so it will remain a third-party
fork.  I am sure everyone would love to see a wchar-sporting Cygwin but
to do it right will affect a lot of code paths and so it's no trivial


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