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Re: How to login to another Unix workstation or Cygwin PC

Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> Steve Boyd wrote:
>> I'm a Cygwin newbie; spent the last 15 years in the tender clutches
>> of hp-ux. Currently making the jump to Cygwin.  I'm looking for a
>> place to start when it comes to using things I was familiar with on
>> hp-ux; rlogin, remsh, ftp, etc.  Can anybody give me some general
>> background on these subjects in Cygwin?
> Yes: start by installing OpenSSH, and then read the man pages for
> 'ssh', 'sshd', 'sftp', etc. Read /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/openssh.README
> for how to set up sshd on your box (and whatever you do, *DO NOT*
> read any websites with '' in the address; that site is
> long infamous for having broken instructions).
> You might also want Cygwin's 'telnet' package if you need to log into
> hosts that do not support ssh.
> I'm not aware of an "remsh" for Cygwin (and neither is
>, but the same says that "rsh" (which you
> still shouldn't use if you can avoid it) lives in the 'inetutils'
> package. Oddly enough, that seems to also be the package where the
> vanilla 'ftp' lives.

remsh on hp-ux == rsh on other unixes, so your advice still holds.
hp-ux has a different rsh (restricted shell), so they named the remote shell 


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