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Re: cygstart getting The specified file was not found

Corinna Vinschen wrote:
When using cygwin_internal(CW_SYNC_WINENV), Cygwin doesn't only copy the
environment, it also changes into the actual cwd and keeps Cygwin cwd
and native cwd in sync. This is also propagated to child processes. Naturally, this process and its children are blocking the cwd from now
on, until all these processes exited.
Luckily, this won't be an issue for cygstart. It doesn't hang around, but exits as soon as it asked the shell to open a file, URL or program.
(Whatever program the shell starts, might be blocking the cwd, of course, but that is no different than when you start the program in any other way.)

In any case, with the fixed cygstart,
$ cygstart .
$ rmdir $PWD
works fine. (The Explorer window actually closes itself when you do the rmdir.)

- Michael

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