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Re: "cscope -d" can't find trailer offset if path contains space

Fred Ma wrote:
> Thanks.  Here's some further info:

Ugh.  There is no cscope (from sourceware) cygwin binary package that I
can find, and a quick attempt at building the source gives me a binary that
segfaults on filenames with spaces.  The Bell Labs mlcscope source doesn't
support spaces in filenames at all, hasn't been updated in a long time, and
the link for its mailing list points to a site that's no longer up (hostname
itself is gone).  I tried grabbing the win32 static binary mentioned there
(the one with no public source), and it hangs when filenames contain spaces.

I guess I'll stick with ctags until somebody drags cscope kicking and
screaming into the 21st century.  :-)

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there be found our efforts.
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