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Re: netselect on Cygwin

On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 10:11:42PM -0500, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 09:09:51PM -0600, Yaakov (Cygwin Ports) wrote:
> > Has anyone built a working netselect for cygwin, or have a decent
> > alternative?
> You might want to think about providing more details about what
> "netselect" is.

>From the netselect v 0.3 README:

	This is netselect, an ultrafast intelligent parallelizing
	binary-search implementation of "ping."

	Now stop laughing and pay attention.

The following saved output should be more informative (script courtesy
of the always clever Mr. Peshansky).  

As to the original question, yes, I've successfully built netselect
using Cygwin.  The "everything is 30 hops" results, however, I never
bothered to investigate further.   Instead, I opted for the more
traditional pointy metal projectile hurled toward a concentrically
ringed object methodology, the results of which were validated by
pouring a pint of Guinness and making note of the decreasing number of
times I glanced at my watch during the download process.

$ cat ~/bin/cygwin-netselect
netselect -vv $(\
wget -O - |\
grep rsync |\
cut -d';' -f1 |\
sed -e 's;\(rsync://[0-9a-z.-]*\).*;\1;' \

$ cygwin-netselect
           => `-'
Connecting to[]:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 11,961 [text/plain]

100%[==========================================>] 11,961        43.42K/s             

22:15:24 (43.42 KB/s) - `-' saved [11961/11961]

netselect: unknown host                    
Running netselect to choose 1 out of 10 addresses.      

rsync://              9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://                 9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://                9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://          9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://              9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://                  9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://                   9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://               9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://         9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok
rsync://             9999 ms  30 hops    0% ok


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