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Re: ls output still truncated

Chuck wrote:
Folks I could really use some help here. I still cannot get the ls
command to work reliably. It worked for years and about two weeks ago
started sputtering.  I have completely unstalled all cygwin packages,
deleted the directories, and reinstalled from scratch. Even just
installing the bare mimimum packages and running a bash shell without X
or even a .profile, ls still fails to output anything 50% of the time.

One other observation I've made is there's a similar program named
"dir.exe" in the /usr/bin directory. It seems to do pretty much the same
thing as ls. In fact the file sizes and timestamps are even the same. It
works every time. I could just alias ls=/usr/bin/dir but that seems more
like a work-around rather than fixing the real problem. Can anyone help
with this? TIA

Interesting fact that dir.exe works and ls.exe does not. Inspecting the source, the one and only difference between the two is:

-- ls-ls.c begin --
#include "ls.h"
int ls_mode = LS_LS;
-- ls-ls.c end --

-- ls-dir.c begin --
#include "ls.h"
int ls_mode = LS_MULTI_COL;
-- ls-dir.c end --

For all purposes, they should behave exactly the same, except for the output format.

It's a shot in the dark, but could you try:
1) Copy ls.exe to myls.exe and run it as myls.exe. Does it still fails?
2) Does ls -l also fails?
3) Does vdir.exe fails?

Do you have antivirus or webcam software running? They are known for causing random problems in Cygwin apps.


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