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Re: bug in cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() caused by period in win32 path

Christopher Faylor wrote:
The issue is well understood and there is no
reason to send more email about this unless the email contains a patch.

The current isabspath() macro requires an absolute path starting with drive letter and colon
to be just drive letter and colon or to be followed by (back)slash.
See \usr\src\cygwin-1.5.24-2\winsup\cygwin\winsup.h:

#define isabspath(p) \
(isdirsep (*(p)) || (isalpha (*(p)) && (p)[1] == ':' && (!(p)[2] || isdirsep ((p)[2]))))

So that c:\, c:, c:\. are abspaths but c:. is not!

I suggest to drop that requirement so that absolute path would start with slash,
backslash or drive letter and colon.

#define isabspath(p) \
 ( isdirsep (*(p)) || (isalpha (*(p)) && (p)[1] == ':' ) )

After that change cygwin_conv_to_posix_path() treats all following paths in the same
c:\ /cygdrive/c
c: /cygdrive/c
c:\.\ /cygdrive/c/
c:\. /cygdrive/c
c:.\ /cygdrive/c/./
c:. /cygdrive/c/.
Before the suggested change last two items were slashified only.
Pavel Kudrna

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