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Re: chmod permission denied on windows 2008

----- Original Message ----- From: "Steven Hartland"
That's weird.  Cygwin always enables the backup and restore privileges
if they are available.  The whoami printout in your previous mail
shows that the privilege is in the token.  But the above code shows
that the AdjustTokenPrivileges() call for the backup and restore
rights both fail with ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED.  The problem is that
there's no indication why it fails.  Per MSDN this should only happen
if the privilege is not in the token.

Bottom line is, there's nothing Cygwin can do about this.  Did you
look into the security event long?  Maybe there's a hint why this

You thought that was weird I just logged onto the box to test and look in the security event log and it just started working. No changes that I can find have been made, it was even the same cygwin prompt from the previous tests. If I find out what caused the change I will report back as I have another identical machine left to install.

Very strange, most appreciate your help on this.

Sorry seems I missed one critical element here. I thought I was doing all the tests under a cygwin prompt but in fact the chown's I was doing under an ssh'ed prompt. It works under a cygwin prompt on the desktop but fails when I'm ssh'ed in. So this actually looks like it may be a problem with ssh under 2008?

I've attached the output from whoami in both cases. A privaledege
missing from the sshd_server user may be? Note: ssh was installed
with a slightly older than latest version of cygwin so if this has
changed to support 2008 recently that could be where my problem lies.


Attachment: prompt.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: ssh.txt
Description: Text document

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