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RE: Mapping of Windows Domains?

Ken Turner wrote on 23 July 2008 21:10:

>>> It turns out that these files are being served up with a fake domain
>>> name "D1" (because our Unix server isn't part of a Windows domain).
>>> When I log in I am authenticated against a real domain "D2". As a
>>> result, "D2\kjt" cannot access files whose permissions are set for
>>> "D1\kjt". There doesn't seem to be any way of influencing the choice of
>>> fake domain name "D1", so I need a client-side solution.

> The fact remains that I'm stuck with a 2.5 year old version of CygWin.
> I've described the problem in two posts, but haven't managed to find a
> solution. Since the above is evidently a non-starter, have you any idea
> how to get round this problem? Alternatively, what changed in this area
> with CygWin 1.5.18-2? Thanks for your time.

  Wait, are you saying it still works if you revert your cygwin DLL?  I was
assuming something must have changed on your server since that version was
released, but maybe your server is actually configured to give read access
to world/none, and the checking actually is being done at the cygwin end?
If that's the case you might be able to fix it up by fudging your
/etc/passwd so that it says D1\kjt instead of D2\kjt - the SID will still
point at D2\kjt in any case.

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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