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Re: opendir/readdir failure on non-Samba Unix-hosted remote volumess

On Jul 29 15:55, Sam Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, July 29, 2008 14:48, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > I don't know
> > how much time you want to invest, but if you want to, you will have to
> > dig deeper:
> >
> > - First of all, disable setting dir->__flags |= dirent_get_d_ino in
> >   fhandler_disk_file::opendir at line 1570.  This disables the
> >   FileIdBothDirectoryInformation call entirely, so only the
> >   FileBothDirectoryInformation call is left.
> Sorted!  As of that commenting out, `ls' works.  `echo *' is a bit more
> Unix-like than it has been for a while, as well.  `strace ls' appears
> trouble-free.

What a luck.  So just using the info class FileIdBothDirectoryInformation
plays havoc with TAS.  For the time being, I suggest to keep the above
setting disabled and use that tweaked Cygwin in your environment.

Here's one additional test I'd like to ask you to do for the sake of
Cygwin 1.7.  Please replace the FileBothDirectoryInformation with
FileDirectoryInformation and strace it again.  You'll suffer the crash,
but until then, does the NtQueryDirectoryFile return successfully?

> So, then, to whom do I have to be Really, Really Nice, to make that
> official?  I have doughnuts.

That would be me.  I can add a special case for file systems choking on
FileIdBothDirectoryInformation.  But I fear the doughnuts will be cold
and stony when they arrive here...  Thanks for your patience to go
through this.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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