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MinTTY 0.3.4


I've uploaded MinTTY 0.3.4 to This is a more substantial bugfix release than the previous one, which addresses the following issues:

- In 'application cursor mode' the cursor keys sent xterm-incompatible
keycodes when combined with a modifier, starting the sequence with ESC
O instead of ESC [. This is now fixed, which means e.g. that combinations such as <C-Up> should now work out-of-the box in vim. Nevertheless it's an incompatible change, so apologies to anyone who adapted their scripts to MinTTY's incorrect behaviour.
This change also affects the keycodes sent by the mousewheel when on
the alternate screen and not in app mouse mode. For the mousewheel to
work in less, .lesskey therefore now should look as follows (assuming 'Shift' is the modifier key for scrolling):

  \e[1;2A back-line
  \e[1;2B forw-line

- There was a crash when scrolling beyond 32K lines. (The scrollback
limit is actually set to 64K lines, not 16K as previously mentioned.)

- The Linefeed/Newline Mode (LNM) parameter was ignored.

- When selecting multiple lines, the first character on the last line
was always included.

- Signals were not processed immediately.

- MinTTY keeps its window open when the command it runs reports
failure, so that any error output can be read (which is useful e.g.
with ssh). However, this did not deal with signals properly. Now it
will stay open only if the command exited with non-zero status or was
terminated by a runtime error signal such as SIGSEGV or SIGILL.


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