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Re: RFD: cygwin + *native* MinGW compiler

Charles Wilson wrote:
Pursuant to a discussion on the libtool list, I'm trying to get a feel
for how many cygwin users rely on the cygwin environment to drive the
*native* MinGW gcc compiler.

I do half of what you're asking: use Cygwin's bash shell as an environment to drive mingw32-make on MinGW-specific Makefiles. I posted here how I manage the PATH issues and such that you touch on:

I do this only for MySQL++, a library I maintain, which targets MinGW among many other platforms. I use the MinGW sub-environment described above only as long as I need to do some test or fix for MinGW, then pop back out into a normal Cygwin environment.

MySQL++ uses Bakefile to build the MinGW makefile, however, so I don't know how relevant my experience is to you. Bakefile more or less replaces libtool and automake, allowing easier porting to non-POSIX platforms. Thus, my use of Cygwin to drive the MinGW toolchain is limited to using bash as an alternative to the MinGW Prompt you get on installing MinGW.

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