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Re: Conjoining Setup & CygWine & Some Other Requirements. Was: Re: CygWine 1.0 Beta -- an new cygwin package manager

On Feb 13 20:29, Lee D.Rothstein wrote:
> I found Brant & Warren Young and Dave Korn, et al's comments
> about a possible conjoined 'setup', and the unfortunately
> named (& soon to be renamed -- TYVM), 'cygwine', and the
> requirements thereto (;-)), to be right to the point.

It's nice that somebody is doing some coding, but it would have been
much more helpful to put the time into hacking up setup.exe, instead of
creating another, competing installer.  Above all I don't see any code
in cygwine which is Cygwin 1.7 aware.  We really don't need an installer
which installs Cygwin 1.5.  The time of Cygwin 1.5 is running out.
Unfortunately cygwine reads and creates the mount table still in the
registry instead of using /etc/fstab.  It's not long path name aware.
It does not care to set the correct POSIX permissions on created files.
It doesn't write the correct registry key for the installation source of
a 1.7 install.

> I would like to suggest two new features for the
> setup/command line. The specification of an initial user-
> defined script (filename) that gets executed prior to
> getting into the meat of 'setup', and one that executes
> after.

We have loads of suggestions for changes to Cygwin or setup.exe.  What's
missing are people actually coding this stuff, unfortunately.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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