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Re: pdftk and apropos - general questions

Mike Marchywka wrote:
I've had a persistent problem getting apropos to work
as it never finds anything appropriate. Is there
something I need to do to make this work?

After each setup session, you need to run, /usr/sbin/makewhatis -u.

The immediate need was trying to find pdf tools. Browsing
the installs, it looks like pdftk will probably
do what I need, along with other utilities I have.
Are there additional pdf tools internal or external to cygwin
people have found useful?
$ apropos pdf

on my system with all Cygwin packages installed yields:

a2x (1) - convert Asciidoc text file to PDF, XHTML, HTML Help, manpage or plain text
dvipdf (1) - Convert TeX DVI file to PDF using ghostscript and dvips
dvipdfm (1) - Produce PDF files directly from DVI files
dvipdft (1) - create thumbnail images for use with dvipdfm
e2pall (1) - convert all EPS files in a LaTeX document to PDF
ebb (1) - extract a bounding box from JPEG, PNG, and PDF files
epstopdf (1) - convert an EPS file to PDF
fdf2tex (1) - Convert PDF formular data (FDF) into something (Con)TeX(t) can handle
gs (1) - Ghostscript (PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer)
gsnd (1) - Run ghostscript (PostScript and PDF engine) without display
gv (1) - Postscript and PDF viewer
makempy (1) - Helper script for conversion of (PDF or PostScript) text to Metapost graphics
pdf2dsc (1) - generate a PostScript page list of a PDF document
pdf2ps (1) - Ghostscript PDF to PostScript translator
pdfeinitex [pdfetex] (1) - PDF output from e-TeX
pdfetex (1) - PDF output from e-TeX
pdfevirtex [pdfetex] (1) - PDF output from e-TeX
pdffonts (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) font analyzer (version 3.02)
pdfimages (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) image extractor (version 3.02)
pdfinfo (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) document information extractor (version 3.02)
pdfinitex [pdftex] (1) - PDF output from TeX
pdflatex [latex] (1) - structured text formatting and typesetting
pdfopt (1) - Ghostscript PDF Optimizer
pdfroff (1) - create PDF documents using groff
pdftex (1) - PDF output from TeX
pdftk (1) - A handy tool for manipulating PDF
pdftoppm (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Pixmap (PPM) converter (version 3.02)
pdftops (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to PostScript converter (version 3.02)
pdftotext (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) to text converter (version 3.02)
pdfvirtex [pdftex] (1) - PDF output from TeX
pdfxinitex [pdfxtex] (1) - PDF output from e-TeX
pdfxtex (1) - PDF output from e-TeX
pdfxvirtex [pdfxtex] (1) - PDF output from e-TeX
ps2ascii (1) - Ghostscript translator from PostScript or PDF to ASCII
ps2pdf (1) - Convert PostScript to PDF using ghostscript
ps2pdf12 [ps2pdf] (1) - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.2 (Acrobat 3-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdf13 [ps2pdf] (1) - Convert PostScript to PDF 1.3 (Acrobat 4-and-later compatible) using ghostscript
ps2pdfwr (1) - Convert PostScript to PDF without specifying CompatibilityLevel, using ghostscript
pstoedit (1) - a tool converting PostScript and PDF files into various vector graphic formats
rtf2pdf (1) - MicroSoft Rich Text Format (RTF) to Portable Document Format (PDF) translator
texexec (1) - ConTeXt and PDF auxiliary program and batch processor
texi2dvi4a2ps (1) - Compile Texinfo and LaTeX files to DVI or PDF
thumbpdf (1) - generate thumbnail images for a PDF file created with pdftex
tiff2pdf (1) - convert a TIFF image to a PDF document
xpdf (1) - Portable Document Format (PDF) file viewer for X (version 3.02)
xpdfrc (5) - configuration file for Xpdf tools (version 3.02)

The above, however, misses my favorite:

man -t, which generates Postscript output that can be filtered thru ps2pdf. generating man pages in pdf format

Attached is a script that does this
Basically on this new computer
I've managed to do without Flash so far and I'd like to try
to avoid installing any Adobe reader stuff.
Try Ghostgum ghostview. Windows compatible (no Cygwin, or X windows required and with print capability) and FOSS (free and open source software).


# man2pdf / man2lpr: render the specified MAN "pages" as PDF;
#   in the current directory; then browse or print

# By Lee Rothstein, 2008-05-17, 01:44 PM

# See:
# * 'usage ()', in this file
#   or:
# * $ man2pdf -h
#   at a command prompt
# for a complete script description

ProgName="$(basename $0)"
. set_title.s "$*"

# Defaults & Other Initializations

Version=0.3.5alpha  # Version number of this script
AllFlag=false       # Print all pages that meet the command line
                    # specified topic?
BrowseFlag=false    # Browse the specified pages?
HelpFlag=false      # Output help?
DebugFlag=false     # Print information relevant to debugging
                    # script, parameters or results
ManFile=""          # Full path name of 'man' file; useful for
                    # checking alternate man page (e.g., debugging a
                    # man page before releasing or installing
PrintFlag=false     # Print the specified pages?
QueryFlag=false     # Just query for filenames to be processed and
                    # quit?
VerboseFlag=false   # Print all status as you go?
VersionFlag=false   # Print version?
                    # Short options specification
                    # Long options specification

# usage () -- Help & exit with an apprpriate exit code

usage () {
  cat $(pathname $0)/../help/${ProgName}.1.txt|less
  exit $1
} # end of usage()

# Preliminaries

TmpPath="$(tmpdir -l /tmp)"
if [[ "$?" -ne 0 ]] ; then
  echo "${ProgName}: * error *:"
  echo "  Neither \$TMPDIR, \$TEMP, nor /tmp reference a valid"
  echo "  directory that can be used for temporary files and"
  echo "  directories. Therefore execution has been aborted."
  usage 99

# Define default path to save PDF output; i.e., a temp file.

# Validate and normalize options requested

# Does the available version of 'getopt' supports long options?

if $(getopt -T &> /dev/null) ; [ $? -eq 4 ] ; then
  echo "'getopt' is correct version!" >/dev/null
  echo "$ProgName: * error *:"
  echo "  'getopt' command is obsolete!  Update 'getopt'!"
  usage 98

# Store results in OptionsParsed variable in case 'getopt' "barfs"
OptionsParsed=$(getopt --options "$ShortOpts" --longoptions "$LongOpts"\
    -n "$ProgName" -- "$@")
if [[ $error_code -ne 0 ]] ; then
  echo "$ProgName: * error *:"
  echo "  Error in options passed to 'getopt'. Error code is:"
  echo "  $error_code ."
  usage $error_code

if [[ $DebugFlag == true ]] ; then
  echo "Options, after parsing are:"
  echo "  $OptionsParsed"

# Reset args to this script terminating options with '--'
eval set -- "$OptionsParsed"


# Process all flags based on (a) name this script invoked by, and
#   (b) command line options regardless of whether long or short
#   option format

# Set Browse or Print Flags based on script name used

case $ProgName in
  man2pdf) BrowseFlag=true ;;
  man2lpr) PrintFlag=true  ;;
  *) echo "${ProgName}: * error *: Unrecognized name for this script!"
     usage 99

# Set all other flags required by options

while [[ "$1" != "--" ]] ; do
  case $1 in
      if [[ ! -f "$ManFile" ]] ; then
        echo ""
        echo "${ProgName}: * error *:"
        echo "  'man' file name specified ('$ManFile') with the '-f|--file'"
        echo "  option does" not exist. This must be the full path name of"
        echo "  an existing" 'man' source file."
        echo ""
        usage 1
      echo "$ProgName: Error in option processing escaped"
      echo "  'getopt' sanity checking. Option being processed"
      echo "  is $1 ."
      usage 99
shift # All options and terminating '--' have been processed and
      # purged from the command line arguments

# Administrative Options Processing

# Debug?
if [[ $DebugFlag == true ]] ; then
  VariablesOfInterest=" \
    AllFlag \
    BrowseFlag \
    DebugFlag \
    HelpFlag \
    LongOpts \
    ManFile \
    PrintFlag \
    ProgName \
    SavePath \
    ShortOpts \
    TMPDIR \
    VerboseFlag \
    VersionFlag \
  for var in $VariablesOfInterest ; do
    eval echo -n "$var == \$$var"

# Version?
if [[ "$VersionFlag" == true ]] ; then
  echo "${ProgName}, v. $Version"
  echo ""

# Help -- If you ask for help, that's all you get (except for the
# version and debug info output already)
if [[ "$HelpFlag" == true ]] ; then usage 0 ; fi

# Main Body

# Respectively: create a PDF for a (a) those 'man' files that match a
#               specified section number and topic, or (b) specified
#               'man' file (option '-f')
# In either case carry out all appropriate options requested

# If "$ManFile" is null, then man page comes from specified path, as
# opposed to 'man' retrieving it from "its domain"

if [[ -z "$ManFile" ]] ; then

  # 'man' page from general arguments: <sect_num> <topic>

  # Test sanity of remaining non-option arguments
  # All others should have been eaten ('shift') in options processing
  case $# in
      echo ""
      echo "${ProgName}: * error *: Missing argument(s)!"
      echo ""
      echo "  Requires 1 or 2 arguments, other than options!"
      echo ""
      usage 2
      echo ""
      echo "${ProgName}: * error *: Takes one or two arguments,"
      echo "  other than options (and their arguments), only."
      echo ""
      usage 3

  # Find 'man' "page" source files that match topic and section
  #   number & report if required

  # Collect them & count them
  #   If $ArgSectNum is null, then all section numbers of "$ArgTopic"
  #   will be collected/rendered/browsed
  ManPages="$(man -aw $ArgSectNum $ArgTopic)"
  NumManPageFiles=$(wc -l<<<"$ManPages")

  if [[ "$VerboseFlag" == true || $QueryFlag == true ]] ; then
    echo "$NumManPageFiles were found that matched: '${ArgSectNum}' '${ArgTopic}'"
    if [[ "$NumManPageFiles" -ne 0 ]] ; then
      echo "These are:"
      for ManPageFile in $ManPages ; do
        printf "  $s\n" "$ManPageFile"

  if [[ "$QueryFlag" == true ]] ; then # We've queried, were outta' here.
    exit 0

  if [[ "$NumManPageFiles" == 0 ]] ; then
    echo "${ProgName}: * error *: No 'man' pages match the topic, $ArgTopic,"
    echo "  in any section of 'man'!"
    usage 4

  # Output 'man' "pages" appropriate to flags (PDF to browse, or PDF to print)

  for ManPageFile in $ManPages ; do

    # man_page_file_path_parse -- parse the full pathname of a 'man' page
    #   ("$1"), remove extraneous information and output it as:
    #   <section number> <topic>
    SectNumTopic="$(echo $ManPageFile|xargs --max-lines=1 man_page_file_path_parse)"
    SectNum="$(echo "$SectNumTopic"|gawk '{ print $1 }')"
    Topic="$(echo $SectNumTopic|gawk '{ print $2 }')"

    # Get the page to current directory and capture resulting file name
    #   Remember, $SectNum only contains the section number of the file,
    #   the extension may be appended with letters, as in 'echo.3x'.
    #   We make a local copy of the man page file because we're going to
    #   remove blank lines from it and we don't want to muck with the
    #   original

    ManFile="$(man_get $SectNumTopic -p $TmpPath)"

    # 'man -t' -- render in Postscript
    # 'ps2pdf' (part of Ghostscript package) -- convert Postscript to PDF

    man -t $ManFile|ps2pdf - ${PdfFile}
    if [[ "$BrowseFlag" == true ]] ; then
      cygstart ${PdfFile}
    if [[ "$PrintFlag" == true ]] ; then
      pdf2lpr ${PdfFile}
    if [[ "$AllFlag" == false ]] ; then break ; fi

# 'man' page comes from specified file ('-f' option)

  # "Trick" man for current directory man file if necessary
  if [[ "$(basename $ManFile)" == "$ManFile" ]] ; then

  PdfFile="${SavePath}/$(basename $ManFile).pdf"

  # Note that blank lines are not removed here, as above. The script, here,
  # assumes you must be the author of this man page; and therfore the
  # you "know" that you can't have embedded blank lines
  # outside of '.nf' ... '.fi' sequences and expect to get Postscript
  # (typset) rendering.
  man -t $ManFile|ps2pdf - ${PdfFile}
  if [[ $BrowseFlag == true ]] ; then
    cygstart ${PdfFile}
  if [[ $PrintFlag == true ]] ; then
    pdf2lpr ${PdfFile}

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